Asim Mehmood, a talented actor known for his remarkable performances in popular dramas like Tere Bin, is admired for his dedication and candid views on social issues. Recently, during an appearance on Samaa News, Asim shared an unforgettable story from his student days in Sialkot.
While studying, Asim recalled that his college required students to wear blue uniforms. One particularly harsh winter, the administration allowed students to wear any blue outerwear. Near his college, there was a Landa Bazar where he purchased a jacket, which he then washed and dried himself.
To his surprise, Asim discovered a £100 note tucked inside an inner pocket of the jacket. He described it as a significant and unexpected win that he cherishes to this day. Sharing the nostalgic moment with his fans, Asim reflected on the joy and fortune of that experience.