Viral Video: Rs5 Million Rained Down at Sialkot Wedding of Overseas Pakistanis

In a lavish display of wealth, the brothers of an overseas Pakistani groom showered over Rs5 million at a wedding in Sialkot.

A special container was set up in the wedding hall, where the groom’s family and friends stood on a platform, tossing local and foreign currency into the air. The scene turned mesmerizing as the sky filled with a cascade of notes, drawing a large crowd of spectators.

The celebrations began in Bakhre Wali, a village renowned as a hub for overseas Pakistanis. The groom’s brothers and friends initiated the extravagant money shower as the wedding procession traveled to the venue in Sambrial.

Imran, the groom residing in Italy, celebrated alongside his brothers from Spain and Canada. The event transformed into a money-collecting frenzy, with attendees from nearby areas scrambling to gather the showered currency, many leaving significantly wealthier.

This extravagant tradition of money showers has long been a hallmark of weddings in Bakhre Wali, adding a unique and opulent touch to the festivities.

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