Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has unveiled the NADRA mobile app and announced the opening of three new regional offices in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Gwadar, and Gilgit-Baltistan.
In a bid to streamline services, Naqvi confirmed that the Pak-ID website will be discontinued, with all NADRA services now fully integrated into the new mobile app. This shift aims to address the challenges faced by citizens, particularly overseas Pakistanis.
The new app promises enhanced user experience, allowing individuals to apply for ID cards, POCs, B-forms, and FRCs, all from the convenience of their mobile devices.
Naqvi noted that users had previously faced issues with uploading fingerprints and required documents on the website. Additionally, he revealed that fraudulent activities, including the creation of fake identity documents via counterfeit websites, were being addressed with strict actions in collaboration with relevant institutions.
The minister also highlighted that the three new regional offices will be operational by March 31, aiming to improve service delivery in remote areas. He added that NADRA plans to establish offices in all tehsils across Pakistan, with just 19 tehsils left to be covered by the end of March.