Qudsia Ali, an actress who made an impressive debut with her first project, has been transforming herself physically and taking on remarkable roles. With her work in the film Khel Khel Mein and several dramas like Aulaad, Kuch Ankahi, and Sukoon, she has gained recognition for her talent and confidence, gradually winning over fans.
In a recent appearance on Girls Only, Qudsia was asked about her experience working with Sajal Aly, with whom she collaborated on Khel Khel Mein and Kuch Ankahi. The two shared great chemistry in these projects.
Qudsia described Sajal as an inspirational figure, noting that working with her was a wonderful experience. She expressed admiration for Sajal’s ability to leave a lasting impression with her performances, stating that after completing a project, Sajal’s work is so remarkable that people continue to talk about it throughout the year.