Sami Khan, a well-known Pakistani TV and film actor, gained fame through his debut film Salakhain. He has been part of several hit TV dramas such as Love, Life Aur Lahore, Bashar Momin, Dhaani, Ishq Zahe Naseeb, Aesi Hai Tanhai, Taqdeer, and Khudgharz. His popular films include Wrong No.2, Kaaf Kangna, and Lafangay. Recently, his performances in Pagal Khana and Ek Chubban Si earned him widespread acclaim. Sami Khan’s latest drama, Duniyapur, is among the most-watched Pakistani dramas, and he has been receiving praise for his stellar performance in it.
Details of Sami Khan’s Upcoming Drama Serial
Sami Khan is set to star in another upcoming drama serial alongside his Ek Chubban Si co-star, Sonya Hussyn. The two are currently filming the drama in Islamabad. Sami Khan shared an exciting behind-the-scenes video from the set, captioning it: “Lights, camera, magic! Making moves and making it happen – with Sonya Hussyn – is always next level! Stay tuned for the masterpiece in the making!” They have previously worked together in Ishq Zahe Naseeb, Aesi Hai Tanhai, and Ek Chubban Si.