What Juggan Kazim Gained From Heartbreak and Marriage

What Juggan Kazim Gained from Heartbreak and Marriage

Juggan Kazim, an accomplished actress and host with over two decades in the industry, has always been open about her career and personal life. She has candidly shared her struggles, including the abuse she faced during her marriage and her divorce. Throughout her journey, Juggan has encouraged women to leave abusive relationships and take charge of their own well-being.

Juggan Kazim Reflects on Love, Heartbreak, and Marriage

Appearing as a guest on Mazaq Raat, Juggan discussed love, relationships, and the pain of heartbreak. She expressed her belief that love is often one-sided, much like the unconditional love a mother has for her child or the way one person might fall deeply for another. According to her, love should not come with expectations or a checklist. It is inherently selfless and one-sided. Juggan also shared her personal experience of enduring a painful heartbreak, which taught her valuable life lessons. While she deeply loved her first husband, she could no longer tolerate the abuse.

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