Emmad Irfani, an actor and model renowned for his good looks and acting skills, captured hearts with his role as Adeel in Kabhi Main Kabhi Tum. With his suave style, he quickly became a fan favorite. In an interview with Maliha Rehman, Emmad shared insights into his acting journey, family life, and overall life philosophy.
Emmad discussed how his striking looks have played a significant role in his success, acknowledging that physical appearance is often considered essential in the entertainment industry. While he has encountered situations where his looks were discussed more than his work, he views it as an advantage in his career.
He also addressed the topic of his female fan following. Emmad believes that having a female fan base is a sign of his success in the industry. He mentioned that he never pays attention to if a woman is flirting with him. His wife, who is educated, liberal, and supportive, has handled the attention from his fans with grace, providing unwavering support throughout his career.