Hiba Bukhari, the renowned and talented Pakistani television actress known for her standout performances in popular dramas like Bholi Bano, Tarap, Deewangi, Mere Humnasheen, Radd, and Fitoor, has been receiving praise for her recent role in Geo TV’s hit drama Jaan Nisar. Recently, Hiba shared the joyous news of her pregnancy with her fans, and now she has another happy announcement to make.
Hiba Bukhari and Arez Ahmed have welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Aynur, into the world. The couple shared the news on Instagram, posting a heartwarming picture of their daughter’s tiny feet. Hiba expressed that 2024 has been a special year for them, marking the arrival of their precious daughter.
In her heartfelt post, Hiba wrote, “This year changed our lives in such a beautiful way that words can hardly describe it. Celebrating your second month, our little angel. Your presence is the purest form of love, and we thank Allah for blessing us with His Rehmat. You are the light in our lives. We’ve named you Aynur, which means Moonlight.”