Bollywood actress Mrunal Thakur had a playful social media mix-up when she mistakenly responded to a fan account, thinking it was the official profile of Pakistani actress Hania Aamir.
A verified fan account of Hania recently shared a post on X (formerly Twitter), praising Mrunal as the “best actor of this generation” and one of India’s most versatile actresses.
Thinking it was an authentic message from Hania, Mrunal replied with gratitude, saying, “Hania, you made my day. Thank you so much, my dear.”
It didn’t take long for social media users to notice the mistake, with many humorously suggesting she should consider hiring a more attentive PR team. One user joked, “Real ID nahi hai (It’s not the real ID),” while another quipped, “Time to fire your PR!”
Taking it all in good humor, Mrunal responded to a fan offering help to improve her social media presence, saying, “Hahahaha, so sweet. I’m my team!”
On the work front, Mrunal is preparing for her upcoming film Dacoit, an action-packed drama co-starring Adivi Sesh, set for release later this year.