Neha Adnan, a former Pakistani actress and host, known for her roles in PTV dramas like Anokha Laadla and Nawab Manzil, recently shared her views on Humayun Saeed and comparisons with Bollywood actors. In a recent interview on Ambreen Fatima’s YouTube channel, Neha called out Mere Paas Tum Ho director Nadeem Baig for claiming that Humayun Saeed is more popular and a bigger star than the Bollywood Khans.
Discussing the ongoing comparisons, Neha expressed her frustration, stating, “In our industry, there are so many talented names, but comparing them with Indian actors is unnecessary. It bothers me when people praise actors for comparing themselves to Bollywood stars. Why should they feel proud of such comparisons? India has far surpassed us in terms of technology, creativity, and content. Bollywood stars are international icons, while our industry has yet to achieve that global stature. Our actors should show respect for one another.”
Neha also added, “Recently, a prominent director claimed, ‘Humayun Saeed is bigger than the Bollywood Khans, more popular, and I’ll always choose him over them.’ Why make such comparisons? Our actors are exceptional, but they can’t be measured on the international stage just yet.”