Woh Ziddi Si is a popular soap opera on Hum TV, airing daily at 9:00 pm. Written by Sidra Tul Muntaha Jillani and directed by Nadeem Siddiqui under Momina Duraid Productions, the drama follows the story of a spoiled, stubborn rich girl, Rida, portrayed by Aina Asif.
Public Reaction to the Last Episode of Woh Ziddi Si
The final episode of Woh Ziddi Si aired today on Hum TV, bringing the drama to a conclusion with a positive twist. Rida acknowledged her mistakes, apologizing for her previous misbehaviors, while Miss Ambreen forgave her husband Zaviyar for his past wrongs.
Mixed Public Reactions to the Last Episode
The finale has sparked mixed reactions from viewers. Some fans appreciated the happy ending, but others felt the resolution was too lenient. They criticized the ending, where Rida, the drama’s most stubborn and harmful character, who had caused significant harm, was easily forgiven by everyone, including her husband, stepmother, and father.
Many viewers disagreed with Miss Ambreen’s decision to reconcile with Zaviyar, as they expected some form of punishment for both him and Rida. Some fans also expressed disappointment in the overall storyline, describing it as boring, and pointed out that a few characters didn’t align with their roles. Additionally, fans suggested that Aina Asif should consider age-appropriate roles for her future projects.