Qarz e Jaan is a captivating show airing on Hum TV, featuring an exceptional star cast. While fans are rooting for the pairing of Yumna Zaidi and Usama Khan, another pairing gaining attention is Tazeen Hussain and Faisal Rehman. Faisal’s return to television has been warmly welcomed, and his chemistry with Tazeen is already evident.
The audience is eagerly awaiting to see how their characters will evolve and reunite, as the onscreen chemistry between Tazeen and Faisal has captivated viewers. While both actors are excelling in their roles, this isn’t their first collaboration.
The duo previously worked together in the 1997 PTV classic Shahpar, a drama centered around the Air Force, and their bond remains strong even after all these years. Here’s a glimpse of how they appeared in that show.