Rakhi Sawant, a versatile actress, dancer, and reality star, is known for her self-made success and massive fan following. With over two decades in the industry, she has maintained her stardom and is admired for her candid nature and ability to speak her mind without fear of consequences.
Rakhi Sawant Declares Loyalty to Pakistan
Recently, Rakhi had a confrontation with Nora Fatehi regarding a performance they were both supposed to do together. Despite committing to the show, Nora failed to show up at the last minute, even though she had agreed to double the payment Rakhi was receiving. Speaking to Murtaza Views, Rakhi criticized Nora’s unprofessionalism and also expressed her deep affection for her Pakistani fans.
Rakhi shared that she feels immense loyalty to Pakistan and would never allow anyone to speak negatively about the country. She mentioned that her Pakistani fans have always supported her and compensated her well, and in return, she will always stand by them.