Aly Khan, a renowned global star, has made his mark in Pakistan, India, and Hollywood, earning recognition across these regions through his work and career. Despite his Pakistani roots, he is one of the few actors who continue to work in India, captivating audiences with his screen presence.
Why Aly Khan Opted for Karachi Over Mumbai
During his appearance on Ushna Shah’s show After Hours, Aly Khan opened up about his strong ties to both India and Pakistan and explained why he ultimately chose Karachi as his home. He revealed that his family has roots in both countries, and he shares a deep connection with both cities, having worked in each.
Born in Karachi, Aly Khan spent part of his life with his maternal family in Mumbai. Holding a British passport, he has been exposed to diverse cultures. He shared that it was in Karachi, where he met his wife and fell in love with the local culture, that he made the decision to settle down, ultimately choosing Karachi over Mumbai.