Sheheryar Munawar and Maheen Siddiqui have officially tied the knot in a private Nikkah ceremony, attended by their close family and friends. Photos and videos from the event, which quickly spread on social media, capture the groom in a cream sherwani with gold detailing and a matching turban, while the bride dazzled in a white and gold outfit.
The intimate ceremony was a heartfelt affair, with the couple signing their marriage certificate in the presence of their loved ones.
The wedding celebrations kicked off with a lively dholki night, where videos of Sheheryar and Maheen enjoying themselves with family and friends went viral. Maheen wore a vibrant orange and yellow outfit, while Sheheryar opted for a brown embroidered kurta. The evening featured performances by well-known singers Ali Hamza and Jimmy Khan, making it the perfect start to the festivities.
This was followed by a Mayun ceremony hosted by the bride’s family, and later, a grand Shabe Mosiqi Sangeet night. The night featured dance performances from actors Sanam Saeed, Ahad Raza Mir, and others. A highlight of the evening was a reunion of the Ho Mann Jahaan cast, where Sheheryar, Mahira Khan, and Adeel Hussain recreated their iconic Shakar Wandaan Re dance, thrilling guests and fans alike.
On December 20, the celebrations continued with a Qawwali night, headlined by the legendary Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. Sheheryar later shared moments from the evening on Instagram, expressing his gratitude to friends and family for making it an unforgettable event.
“Endless gratitude to our wonderful friends for giving us an unforgettable qawwali night! The music, the laughter, and most of all, the joy of having both family and friends together made the evening truly magical,” he wrote.
Earlier in July, during an appearance on the FWhy Podcast, Sheheryar had addressed rumors about his love life. Although he didn’t reveal any specifics at the time, he shared his happiness and gratitude, asking for prayers: “Alhamdulillah, I’m grateful. I’m very grateful. I’m happy. Allah has been kind, and the parents are very happy. Exciting times are ahead, and I would ask everyone to say a little prayer for us. I just feel, as I’ve mentioned before, that I want this to be a very personal experience for both of us – and private.”