Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz launched the ‘Dhee Rani Program’ on Saturday, celebrating the initiative with a mass wedding ceremony for 51 couples, including five Christian brides and grooms. This pioneering program is the first of its kind in Punjab, designed to support underprivileged families.
In her address, Maryam Nawaz congratulated the newlyweds, their parents, and families, offering her heartfelt prayers for their future happiness. She expressed how emotional and joyful it was for her to attend the mass wedding, referring to the occasion as a special moment for both the couples and their families.
“This is a deeply emotional moment for both the children and their parents. As much as your parents are happy today, I too feel immense joy as a mother,” she shared.
The Chief Minister personally met each couple, handed out congratulatory greeting cards, and prayed for their prosperous married lives. “May Allah bless the beginning of your new lives, turning sorrows into lasting joy,” she said.
As part of the program, the newlyweds received essential household items, including mattresses, dinner sets, cooking utensils, and more, as well as a ‘Dhee Rani Greeting Card’ entitling each couple to a monetary gift (salami) of Rs100,000.
During the ceremony, Maryam Nawaz showed a keen interest in inspecting the gifts and joined the newlyweds for a group photo. The Social Welfare Department also provided a complimentary lunch for all attendees.
The ‘Dhee Rani Program’ is designed to help families with marriage expenses while promoting social welfare and inclusivity. Maryam Nawaz highlighted the program’s importance in building a supportive and compassionate society.
The program kicked off with 51 mass weddings in Lahore’s prestigious marriage hall, marking a significant step towards social empowerment in Punjab.